Our Story

January 2022
Launch of Sermon Shots
Repurpose Sermons Into Clips & Other Engaging Content, In Minutes
January 2016
Launch of Book Brush software
The Easiest Way to Create Professional Ads & Social Media Images For Your Books
December 2015
Shift in Business Focus
Strategic pivot in business direction and focus
Recognizing shifts in the digital landscape, we saw that content sites were becoming increasingly saturated as barriers to entry decreased. While we had built successful content platforms, we understood that sustainable growth would require evolution. This insight led us to pivot toward software development – a space where our technical expertise could create more defensible business advantages and open new opportunities for growth.
June 2015
Launch of DaughtersOfTheCreator.com
A daily devotional for women
February 2015
Official Merger
Josh Wiley and Corey Alderin officially merged their companies
Recognizing their complementary strengths and the success of their previous collaborations, Josh and Corey made the strategic decision to merge their two businesses into one.
July 2014
Launch of RhetoricalJesus.com
A unique twist on a daily devotional, while staying true to the Bible.
June 2014
FaithInTheNews.com Partnership
Josh and Corey partnered to create FaithInTheNews.com
FaithInTheNews.com was the first website that Josh and Corey partnered on together.
June 2013
Corey Alderin founded ChristianQuotes.info
One of the first Christian Facebook pages to have 5 million followers.
February 2011
Josh Wiley founded WhatChristiansWantToKnow.com
What Christians Want To Know quickly became one of the most visited websites from people searching for Biblical answers on various topics.

The Founders’ Journey

Josh Wiley

In the summer of 2002, while working in the consumer credit industry, Josh and Jeff Telling experienced matching visions that revealed God’s plan for their future ministry. They spent the next nine years faithfully developing their ideas.

In February 2011 God’s will was revealed to Josh as he was studying the Israelites liberation in the book of Exodus. Moses and the Israelites were camped by the Red Sea when they discovered they were being pursued by the Egyptians. Moses called out to God for guidance and God answered.

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” Exodus 14:15

And so, as God told Moses to take action moving forward, Josh recognized the time had come to start the ministry He had revealed so many years ago.

Corey Alderin

After launching his career at a pharmaceutical company, Corey spent seven years diving deep into data analysis, sales forecasting, and marketing strategies. While the work was challenging and rewarding, he always felt there was something more calling – the world of entrepreneurship.

Throughout those years, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was meant to build something of his own. This wasn’t just a passing thought – it was a constant drive that pushed him to action. While maintaining his full-time position, he explored various business ventures on the side. Though not all of these endeavors succeeded, each attempt, each setback, and each small victory taught him invaluable lessons about what it takes to run a business.

It was during this time that he started a Facebook page called Christian Quotes, initially thinking it would help market one of his business ideas. Little did he know that this simple page would eventually grow into something much bigger than he had imagined.

To God be the glory!

“Employ whatever God has entrusted you with, in doing good, all possible good, in every possible kind and degree…” John Wesley

Our Beliefs

You can find our beliefs here or contact us if you have more questions about the ministry here.